India in first strike mode
Title: Securing India The Modi Way
AUTHOR: Nitin A Gokhale
PP: 224
Publisher:Bloomsbury India
The Modi governemnt has made marked departures from the past, regarding India’s foreign and security policies. This has attracted attention worldwide to a confident and assured Indian government which has largely shed its apprehensions to take risky decisions. ‘Surgical strike’ remains last year’s most discussed and analysed term. So much so, that a plethora of articles and academic debates were held on the topic! Even more than one year down the line, the charisma surrounding the strike refuses to abate. In his book Securing India the Modi Way: Pathankot, Surgical Strikes & More, Nitin Gokhale provides the fine nuances and intricacies of the Modi government's approach to national security issues. Gokhale is South Asia's leading strategic analyst, a renowned author, media trainer & the founder of a specialised defence related website
This book is one of its kind, for it provides the uncorrected proof, intimate details, some classified information and a sweeping account of the policy formulation at the highest levels in the government.
This book inadvertently deals with the hitherto unknown aspects of the planning and execution of the surgical strikes. It also talks at length about the revamping of India’s approach towards Pakistan and China, about New Delhi’s renewed Middle East initiative and PM Modi’s attempt to leverage the Indian diaspora worldwide. The pages of this book give a glimpse into the highs and lows, the successes and failures, new initiatives and abandonment of old ways in the realm of national security. How could terrorists enter the Pathankot base when the NSA and his intelligence team claimed they had advance intelligence? This question was asked by almost all concerned citizens, cutting across the various affiliations after the Pathankot attacks happened on the Indian air base. Chapter 4 of the book tries to answer this question. It also tells us about a catastrophe that was averted at Pathankot. The next chapter mentions the Myanmar raids by the Indian army which set the ball rolling for pro-active policy in India’s bid to strengthen both its internal and external security.Chapter 7 of the book is about the developing Chinese problem in the border areas like Chunarandand Doklam. The author suggests a longterm but pragmatic crafting of a multipolar foreign policy, that would be possible by building an alliance of likeminded democracies in East and South East Asia.
As concerned citizens, we don’t know what drives India's new-found resolve in tackling China. Many of us are curious to know how the Prime Minister arrives at a particularly tough unprecedented decision. What drives his national security policies? Why does he stress on personal equations with world leaders? This book is an honest, well-researched and thorough attempt to answer these questions based on insider accounts and some unknown facts about the innovative steps taken by the Modi government in past 40 months. It is useful for both military enthusiast and common citizens as a fascinating and engrossing read.