A handful of intensely personalised accounts
Title: Turtle Dove: A Collection of Bizarre Tales
AUTHOR: Divya Dubey
PP: 160
Divya Dubey’s Turtle Dove: A Collection of Bizarre Tales is a startling amalgamation of six exceptionally unusual tales. Be it the story of a competent science wizard or the best friend’s agony, the author has brilliantly captured all the different shades of each and every character which will keep its readers glued until the end.
The beauty of these six narratives lies in their simplicity as one can relate the sometimes ordinary and sometimes not-soordinary protagonists with self. Not to forget that such personalities are not alien to us but can be found anywhere, anytime. However, the stories also reveal the strange kind of bleakness and uneasiness lurking behind each character, something very similar to our very own personal lives. Hence, this particular piece of writing will leave no stone unturned in stirring the reader’s most intense of all emotions. It will keep them clinging to every single sentence instead.
While ‘The Science Wizard’ focuses on Uday’s brilliance and his personal dilemmas, ‘Arnab’ features a plain Bengali lad. ‘Naani’, as the title goes revolve around Mala and her relationship with her maternal grandmother. Other tales such as ‘The Temptation’, ‘Best Friend’ and ‘Turtle Dove’ as the names suggest are equally fascinating, focusing on Narayani, two childhood best friends after their wedding, and an artist, Manav respectively.