Make English great again!
Title:Common Errors in Everyday English
Author:Saumya Sharma
Publisher:BloomsburyOxford University Press
English as a language, as with any other language,
comes with its own cultural references and nuances.
It therefore is very easy for Indians, for whom
English is not their natural language, to make errors
while speaking or writing in English. One might
be forgiven, but not forgotten for making such
mistakes since English has come to become such
an omnipresent language, even in India, that one
expects everyone to be proficient, if not fluent in
It therefore comes in handy if there is a
comprehensive guidebook of sorts that explains
in detail some of the most common errors made
in English, and even more so if it has been tailor
made for the Indian experience. Common Errors in
Everyday English by Saumya Sharma is exactly this,
with several examples of how seemingly correct
phrases and usage of the language is, in fact, wrong.
The book extensively covers language-based
mistakes made in common social and professional
situations, grammatical errors in the use of tenses,
articles, prepositions and punctuations and
commonly confused vocabulary, including basic
words, phrasal verbs and collocations—thus giving
you an exhaustive approach towards correcting
some of the common mistakes you invariably make
during speaking or writing in English.
The book is a very light read, and just by shuffling
through the pages you get a good grasp of some
easy-to-make mistakes which have been so clearly
explained with examples of the right and wrong
usage alongside each other. With this book by your
side and enough practice, it won’t take long for an
average English speaker to become proficient and
fluent in a language which many in India consider
as not their own.