A collection of satirical tales
Title:Mock, Stalk & Quarrel
Editor:Indrani Ganguly
Mock, Stalk & Quarrel is an
allegorical assembly of not so opaque
short stories—in that the allegories
are well devised but quite obvious
as to what or who they are referring
to. The anthology contains the work
of 29 writers, with a strong satirical
voice that questions everything
wrong with our society, be it
communal differences, unnecessarily
blowing things out of proportion
through social media or the murky
waters which Indian politics have
become today.
These thought provoking
stories have been brought to
close quarters by the collective
efforts of Readomania and
respective authors, emanated
from a nationwide contest.
The book sets a rhythm of
atonement by targeting the contemporary issues
and directing the lexical knowledge of the writers to
highlight the same. Each writer has picked up satire
as a tool to entertain the reader and
in the process of storytelling, thrown
some light on the pressing matters of
politics, nepotism, communalism and
The book is strongly aligned with
the task of providing poetic justice
and creative freedom in the discussion
of the tabooed qualms of the Indian
society. The creative pursuit of the
book is laudable as it explores both
serious and silly debacles with a good
taste. While the underlying message
of each short story could be distasteful
to some readers if presented
in a crude manner, the book
uses wry humour to flip the
mood and leave the readers in
a thoughtful limbo. Overall, the
book condones shackled systems
of India and uses wit to send the
message across. It’s a must read for anyone who
is looking to find progressive views and theories
packed tightly with wit and dark humour.