At Shabdotsav litfest
Sabina Sanghvi, Chairperson FLO Pune, said that the highlight of the two-day fest was the guest of honour Shatrughan Sinha who talked about on him, Anything but Khamosh, written by Bharathi Pradhan. Hardeep Singh Puri’s session, moderated by (Retd) Vice Admiral Suresh Bangara, on Flawed Policies that led to the rise of the ISIS was well received by the discerning audience. Media heavyweights Vir Sanghvi, Barkha Dutt and Paranjoy Guha Thakurta were also in attendance at the fest who willingly answered all the questions posed to them on diverse topics by the eager audience. Recent Filmfare award lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya regaled the audience with his musical journey and even sang a few noteworthy songs on popular demand. National FLO President Vinita Bimbhet inaugurated the ‘Swayam’ initiative and gave away a cheque of Rs 227,000 to the Kesariya Papad Udyog, Ahmednagar to support their small scale business.